A friend of mine said "You CAN live the life you choose"

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I am comfortable around people
She will yield before me

I am overcoming my social anxiety

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I am so alone


I have no one to talk to

Why don't you find someone?

I cannot connect to other people


I cannot relax enough to connect to them, i hate them

you honestly hate everyone?

perhaps it's not hate

what could it be

i just feel so invaded by other peoples presence

what is causing this feeling

i feel so stressed when talking to other people


i cannot be myself

what is yourself

myself is a scared horny boy

fuck everyone I hate everyone i failed i failed in life i failed to find answers i failed to integrate i fucking failed

Monday, May 25, 2009

Whenever I'm taking my breakfast at ABP at the Square, my babies, I feel like the heavens are smiling down on me, I feel that life can not get much sweeter than that. Especially since I can do one of the things I love to do best, which is to people-watch and especially since it was at that specific ABP that my sweet baby and I sat a few years ago and I took some solace in his presence, some solace in the midst of the storm that I was living at the time.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hello my babies,

I went on a BBQ yesterday because my sweet baby invited me, but I realize, whenever he's with his girlfriend, he always feels he needs to play it straight - plus, I'll always be an etranger for these people. But I'd like ti keep trying - it's not like I'm the perfect person. I have my imperfections, too.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Went to the museum with my little baby - showed me around. Wonderful day, sunny, windy, spring day. rediscovering caffeine advantage.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My babies,

I feel so fortunate I have at least this outlet to communicate with someone. On Sundays, I can never help feeling a special sense of isolation and loneliness, especially on a special day like today when I walked around H square and saw all those wonderful young couples holding hands and saw all those wonderful handsome young men, with their blond hair and their young bodies and their smiing faces and their young girlfriends, smiling, being happy, enjoying life, full of light and full of life and I, on the other hand, all alone, as I've always been, as I'm afraid I'll always be, kind of like looking at life from the outside, as if a spectator and not a participant.

I saw two young men in the prime of their youth performing outside the ABP at H square, so wonderful, so lovely, so young...