A friend of mine said "You CAN live the life you choose"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dear Diary,

today I made great progress in my quest to overcome shyness and social isolation. A girl walked into the room where I was working and initially I performed my reflex reaction of taking off my glasses so as to create a block between myself and the outside world; but then, when she came in again, I left my glasses on and somewhat faced her. And then a fat Asian guy walked in and I didn't bother taking my glasses off at all, although some sexual tension I believe developed. What it because of the way I was loking at him? I don't know. And then I went to Au Bom Pain on my way home to buy some milk and I didn't bother taking my glasses off for the cashier, either; and it went well, admittedly. I'm making progress. No more torturous isolation anymore. I can see the day when I won't think anything of carrying a normal conversation with other people. I hope so. But then I'll have to face the men and my desires - I won't be able to hide anymore. But even so, let's face it: have I been able to hide my desires anyway so far? Very poorly.

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