I am starting this blog out of a burning need, a yearning to reach out to someone, out of a sense of quiet desperation (as Henry David Thoreau would have put it). My desperation stems from the fact that I have no friends and no lovers. I think I never have (friends, because I know for a fact that I have not had lovers). I might be what is called schizoid in psychiatry. Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness.[1] SPD is rare compared with other personality disorders. Its prevalence is estimated at less than 1% of the general population. (source: Wikipedia). Indeed, I am not really interested in social relationships and shy away from them when possible. I am currently working on ameliorating that (to ameliorate: to make better or more tolerable - source: Merriam-Webster Online). I am doing that through hypnosis, which I've been convinced can better most of the unwanted aspects of our personality - heck, if it can be used for anesthesia, it can certainly help with shyness. Click on the image of the shy guy below to see how hypnosis can help with shyness and social isolation.

Interspersed in this text you will see statements such as this:
I am becoming more and more social every day
I am enjoying being around people day by day
I feel more and more comfortable around people every day
I carry on conversations with people and am completely relaxed and enjoy the process
These are affirmations - sentences you craft which describe the state you want to achieve. You will notice that they are in the present tense. Our subconscious, which these special phrases target, does not understand about the difference between now and later. It can manifest any state you desire instantly. If you place your desired outcome in the future, your powerful subconscious only...postpones your desired outcome for...a future time.
Affirmations are one type of self-hypnosis. The secret with crafting these sentences is:
a) make them positive
The subconscious does not deal with negatives. It understands only positives. So if you say for example: 'I don't want to be shy', guess what your subconscious understands or 'hears' : Shy!
b) Make them in the present tense
As I mentioned earlier; or if they seem too ambitious, say: 'I am becoming XYZ', in the sense that you are on the path but not yet there

c) Repeat them often
That's the only way they can work; if you don't repeat them, their effect will fade. Repeat them in any way that is convenient to you e.g. by writing them down, pasting them on your bathroom mirror and reading them every morning while you shave. Or record them and play them back to yourself while you are jogging or taking a shit.
You might want to click on the image below to learn more about Hyposis and Mind Control

You'll notice that I have started to educate you. That will be my 'thank you' for patiently agreeing to take part in my life and share it with me. My joy will be to log on every day and see that my hits are increasing. I don't want to leave this life without having shared it with someone, even if that someone is a stranger like you...and you...and you.
So my hope is that I can start to share myself with you, all of myself, the good the bad and the ugly as they say. Things that I've not had the guts to tell people I've known all my life.
For example today I celebrated President's Day holiday by going to my favorite cafe with my paperwork and working from there, one of my favorite tables while watching the people go by outside. I love to watch people. I also browsed the books but did not see anything in particular. I did find one good book yesterday at another favorite bookstore of mine called 'Moonlighting on the Internet'
It's about making money on the internet by essentially selling information. This is kind of what I'm doing, even know, by pitching you this book, although as I said, the reason for this blog is to share myself with you, to share what I've picked up over the years while trying to find balance in my life and better myself, make myself something I could better love and accept. Why don't I love myself that much, you'll ask? Well, that remains to be revealed later on. Good bye for now my friends. Please love me.
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